Importance of Security in Small Business

Weak LinkNo business is too small to implement good basic information security practices. Small businesses are linked to other small and larger businesses.  They provide an immediate source of soft targets, and can even stream an attacker into the supply chain.

Like the Infographic at B2C shows, threats lurk around every corner, endangering the survival of small businesses. B2C also provides some startling statistics related to the attitude of small  businesses towards information security.

  • 24.6 million small businesses in the US.
    • 25% do not shred their documents.
    • 27% have never completed an information security risk assessment.
    • 36% have no policies for  storage or disposal.
    • 31% have never trained employees regarding the importance of information  security.
  • There are 2.3 million small businesses across Canada.
    • 47% believe a security breach would not impact their business.
    • 28% are not aware of legal compliance and legislation issues that apply to their business.
    • 35% don’t have a protocol for storage and disposal of confidential  data.
    • 56% don’t have a secure method of document disposal.

Is it any wonder why so many small businesses fail, and we have so many issues with security?